Claiming to be

Keanu Reeves


From:          20th June 2021
To:               13th August 2021

Facebook Fan Page Send Message (Kea R, Life is Priceless)
Watts App   +1 929 563 1793

A casual chit chat, but as you can imagine yes declared he loved me
Then proposed to me
Desperately wanted to visit me, but a slight hitch would need a valid card for him to visit me.
The cost would be $2,000 however he had managed to negotiate this down to $1,000
The account name did not seem bonified for someone with such power as Keanu Reeves, indeed I questioned this, the answer was this person Marisabel Bolivar was part of the Finance Team.

All bank details for this potential fraud can be view by clicking onto

From:    10th July, 2021
To:          17th August 2021
This messaging started again by clicking on
And I did
Initially on Messenger and then a google chat account
We seemed to have so much in common he said and so the chatting was friendly and strange at times.  Certainly, felt the grammar was not of an American, but continued.
A video call was made by him to me; however, it was obvious that this had been taken off the internet, there was no sound, and only lasted about 5 seconds until it was disconnected.
He was most certainly coming to visit me when filming had finished, because he stated he was in-love with me.  I thought this strange and in light of other situations I had found myself in, was prepared for the usual request.  I was surprised when the trip proposed was not going to cost me anything.  Very surprised.
About 2 weeks after this declaration, he asked if I could log into his Bank Account, he claimed he was in Germany filming, but was unable to get a good connection to make a transfer from his bank account and purchase vital machines.
He gave me all his details, and I logged in and 21 million dollars appeared in the account. 
All the details required to make this transaction he gave me, and I made a successful transfer of £40,000.  
The next day he asked if I could do the same, unfortunately there appeared to be a problem with the website stating that the website had been hacked and was not available.
All was explained and he went away to sort it out.   Again, he asked the next day to make another transaction, everything had been sorted it.  All went well until validating the transaction and it stated there were not enough funds in his account.  
Much discussion and backwards and forwards, he suggested as this was vital to the filming project, that I make the transfer out of my bank account of £40,000.
Of course, I knew what was happening and most certainly was never going to help in anyway, because I knew he was not Keanu Reeves.
He also suggested I pay for his flight $8,000 in order to get his Bank Account sorted out.
Amusing scenario but goes to show the lengths they will go to take your money
Keanu Reeves Scam data